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I am Parvatam Venkateshwar. All the information provided here is a part of my  original research work done by me in the Department of Political Science, Osmania University, Hyderabad, under the supervision of Prof. D Satyanarayana.

   It is my duty and privilege to acknowledge and record my gratitude to my research Supervisor Dr.D.Satyanarayana, Professor, Department of Political science,  Osmania University, Hyderabad, for the constant encouragement and ever inspiring guidance that he has extended to me in the pursuance of this research work. His worthy and useful suggestions at every stage greatly facilitated my work. Dr. P. Muthaiah, Professor, and Head of the Department of Political Science, Osmania University, took deep interest in my work, at every level of my research activity. I am indebted to him. I am grateful to Dr. V. Yoga Jyotsna, Professor, and Chairman of Board of Studies, the Department of Political Science, Osmania University, for her cooperation and encouragement for my research work. Dr. K.Srinivasulu, Professor,of the Department of Political science, and Dean of Social Sciences, Osmania University, gave me constant inspiration which propelled me to do my research work. I proffer my humble regards to him.  I record my thanks to all my other teachers of the Department of Political Science, from whom I have received a good knowledge and encouragement to fulfill this work. I am profusely thankful to Dr. K. Saibaba, Dr. K. Vidyasagar Reddy, Dr G.Arjun,Dr.P.Ramana, B.Sudarshan,AhmedSafdar, DurgamRavinder,G.MuraliKrishna,K.Ravinder,and K.Srinivas for their necessary help in clearing doubts in my research work, as “dear friends”.I acknowledge with humility the multisided help extended to me by the various staff members of the Department of Political Science, Munnurukapu Associations, Bodhi Center for Dalit Bahujan initiative, Tarnaka. The Libraries of Osmania University, Sri Krishna Devaraya University, University of Hyderabad have been of great help.

This work would not have been completed without my wife Kavya and my sons Varun and Lohith who gave me the time and whole hearted support for compiling the research work.I am indebted to my parents, brothers and sisters whose love and affection helped me in doing this work.

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