Sunday, May 10, 2015

Marriage system of Munuru Kapus

Marriage system

Marriage is an important ceremony in Munnuru kapu families and marriage is a sacred ritual.  The marriage ceremony resembles that of the Kapu caste.  The first proposal of marriage is made by the boy’s father who, on the choice of a suitable girl for his son, pays a formal visit to her house and presents her with clothes and half of the jewels she is to receive as a wedding gift from her husband-elect.  A council of the caste Panchayat being called, a Brahman examines the horoscopes of the parties and if they are found to agree, he finds an auspicious day for the wedding.  After completion of the preliminary formalities, a fortnight before the wedding pinnamma/ pochamma the goddess fortune is worshipped by both parties separately in their houses.

Nischitartham (Confirmation of the match): On this occasion a new sari, five fruits, five betel leaves and five sheru (five kgs) rice are presented to the bride by her mother-in-law. The bridegroom and bride exchange gold rings each other in a ceremony before the Munnuru kapu community elders.  Invitation letters sprinkled over with saffron water, which are sent to relatives and friends calling upon them to attend the ceremony.

Lagnam (Marriage system): The bride and bridegroom dressed in wedding clothes of a saffron colour proceed to get married on a raised dais.  On a mat of shendi (wild date palm) are placed two wooden seats, on which the couple is made to stand facing each other, a screen being held between them.  The Brahman priest recites mantras, or sacred texts, and the assembled guests throw rice over the heads of the couple. The parents of the bride wash the feet of the bridegroom and give him a mixture of honey, curds and ghee to drink (madhupark).  Then follows the formal gift of the bride by her father and the formal acceptance of her by the bridegroom.  The bride’s father is made to repeat the words “I give her to you as a gift”, to which the bridegroom replies – “I accept her”.  

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