Sunday, May 10, 2015

Socio-economic and Political profile of Munnuru Kapus

Socio-economic and Political profile

It may be pointed out that the Munnurukapu community is not found in any other State except Andhra Pradesh.  If we open the chronology of the Munnurukapu community, we find the growth of the community on the soils of Telangana. In this region, the fathers of the community made a great struggle to find the traces of water.  In this endeavour, they had cultivated lands and constructed tanks. Munneru, Munneti, Munneruwad and Munnurukapu are synonyms widely diffused cultivating castes in Telangana.  

The chief land cultivating caste of Telangana whose physical characteristics although, difficult of accurate description are decided by a Dravidian type.  The kapu means ‘guardian’ which is interpreted in the sense of ‘food donor’, as many as members of this caste cultivate land and grow corn, to maintain their civil life.  They rear milk cattle and bullocks, which are employed in agricultural operations.

’Mannu’ in Telugu language means “soil”.  As this community did struggle with mannu, they, in due course, were termed as ‘Munnuru’, which can be roughly translated as sons of soil.  The cultivators may be termed as Kapus.  In other words, Munnurukapus are those communities who cultivate the land by paying the total labour on ‘mannu’. Thus, the Munnurukapus have become the sons of soil in Andhra Pradesh.  

Especially, the views of a few historians and scholars may be quoted in this regard.  According to Edgar Thruston, a British historian; the Munnurukapus where the earliest community to do cultivation very long ago. According to him, the term “Munnuru” is a synonym for munvallnmee, a Dravidian word. T.A.Agaiah Varma, a great historian, also says that the Munnurukapus had constructed tanks and cultivated the lands. 

He describes how the Munnurukapus acted as the guardians of agricultural lands. According to him, the Munnuru Kapus were the back bone to the Telangana economy. He also says that the Munnurukapus have been in this task since the times of Kakatiya dynasty. The Munnurukapus had a grip on the development of agriculture and also rearing the animals.  They had knowledge on weather conditions.  With this knowledge, they knew about the rain fall. By this, they also could find different ways to develop agriculture. 

But due to the negligence and indifferent attitudes of the rulers in helping them, to have various projects and other resources, the Munnurukapu community were not able to stay in their traditional occupation.  So, most of them had lost their share in agriculture.  They had to search for some other sources for living, as Syed Siraj ul Hassan mentioned. The Munnurukapus have given up their original occupation and have either entered government service or become traders.  
In due course, the Munnurukapus have had conjugal relations with their counterpart of Seemandra regions where there are different castes of this group namely Kapus, Ontary, Telaga, Balijas and so on. Thus, the Munnurukapus have become an important community in Andhra Pradesh. Syed Sirajul ul Hassan, who worked as the minister of finance in the Nizam’s Government provides an account of the Munnurukapus in the Nizam’s dominion. In his book, Hassan further says that Munnurukapus of Hyderabad State had main occupation of cultivation. 

They had certain customs and traditions which were more are less like those of some communities of Reddy and Velamas. According to Chilukuri Veerabhadra Rao, in his Kakatiya Andhra Charitra there are fourteen farming castes.  Among them the Munneri Kapu which is basically a farming community.   Munnurukapus were very prominent community among these castes.  

Bojjam Narsimlu the President of All India Munnurukapus Association, points out a few facts. According to him, there are many fictions in regard to an origin of Munnurukapus. One of them was that the Munnurukapus had come from Ayodya.  According to another legend, they were the sons of one of the wives of Raja Badru Hari who had three hundred wives.  By repudiating all these fictions which points out that the Munnurukapus were the sons of soil of Telangana.

The Munnurukapus have different social and economic positions in Telangana. In Medak and Karimnagar districts, some are known as Reddies. Some are known as Raos and patels. There are some reasons for such designation.  During Kakatiya times they had exhibited valour and courage like Kshatriyas.  So, in Warangal, they are known as Hajari.  In Telangana regions they worked as government servants in Nizam’s government, they got titles like Patel, Malipatel, Patwary etc.  

The Munnurukapus constitute 15 percent in the population of Telangana.  In the Telangana region there are more than 50 lakhs Munnurukapus.  If the Munnurukapus consolidate themselves, they can become a strong, viable force in the A.P. State politics.  It was N.T.Ramarao, the then Chief Minister of A.P. Who had provided 20 percent reservations for backward classes in the state Panchayat Raj System. By then, the Backward Class Community had become a decisive force in the state politics.  But, the Munnurukapus could get the least benefits in the political power structures of Andhra Pradesh.  

Former Chief Minister K.Vijaya Bhaskar Reddy provided 34 percent reservation to BCs.  This had made the Munnurukapus to get benefited to some extent.   It may be pointed out that even the fruits of benefits could be achieved only by those who were economically and politically strong.The leaders of Backward Community have not been working with wholeheartedly for their community. This is largely found more in the Kapu community.  

In order to get the required benefits, it is necessary for all the backward communities to get reservations on the basis of their proportion in the state-population. Then only, it is possible for them to have a casteless society and able to fulfill the dreams of Dr.Ram Manohar Lohia, the champion of the Backward communities in India.  The natural resources and the fruits of development must be judiciously distributed to all the backward classes.   Since the recommendations of Mandal Commission, various steps have been taken.  The Backward classes are not able to get the real benefits which, the preamble of the Indian Constitution reflects on. 

Munnurukapu community did have a great role to play in the various social, economic, political and cultural aspect of the Telangana Region till the 19th century, it has not enjoyed much economic and political rights.It is only after India's independence,they started realizing importance of mobilizing themselves.They started getting into a steady decline except for a few sections of the community who adopted to modern education and economic transition. The decline peaked during the 1970s and 1980s. Of late, with economic liberalization and with the removal of license raj and monopoly of various Government Sectors the community is slowly but steadily rebuilding itself. But is still a long way away to go in the direction of progress of community in the state.

Political identification of the leaders shows that a majority of them belong to Congress (I) followed by Telugu Desam Party. All most all the backward classes’ leaders opined that there is a need for political reservations and a majority feels that 50% reservation should be the criterion. Most of them said that Congress (I) gives representation to backward classes, but a sizeable percentage of the leaders felt that Telugu Desam Party also gives representation to the backward classes. Further, the data show that most of them felt that P.V. Narasiimha Rao’s cabinet in Andhra Pradesh gave due representation to the backward classes community in the cabinet, whereas some felt that N.T. Rama Rao also provided accommodation to  the backward classes in his cabinet. However, a majority of them felt that no Chief Minister provided backward classes with due share in the cabinet and budget

Most of the leaders feel paucity of resources to be the main reason for backward classes not getting their due share in the political power structure. A sizeable number of also feel that lack of unity among the backward classes is the main reason for their not getting a due share in the political power structure. Interestingly, half of the leaders felt that land ownership is not a source of power.

The Government of Andhra Pradesh though found the A.P. Backward Classes Finance Corporation has been allotting negligible funds annually. The corporation which is supposed to take care of beneficial schemes of the particular groups of people who constitute more than 50 percent of the population, requires massive financial allotments. These conference calls upon the Government of Andhra Pradesh to make great financial outlay to the Andhra Pradesh Backward classes finance corporation and start SETWIN type scheme for the benefit of Backward classes.

The quantum of financial scholarships for the BC students and financial grant of B.C. Hostels should be increased and Government must render all possible help to the backward class’s candidates to complete with the other classes in all fields of activity. It is observed that the reservation quota wherever provided is not been strictly followed whither it is in  employment or in education. The State Government to bring in legislation to ensure the strict implementation of the reservation policy. Further, the reservation principle should be extended to all the Government institutions and corporations, including, all public sector undertakings. The political parties who are vying with one another to exhibit their great concern for the Backward classes to sincerely and honestly follow what they profess and provide adequate representation to the Backward classes

To their candidate in the elections right from Grama Panchayat to Lok Sabha and   whenever the various posts in the corporations and statutory bodies are filled up. It is observed that some persons by adopting unscrupulous methods have secured the Backward Class Certificates and cornered the jobs and admission meant for Backward classes in the States where the reservation schemes are implemented. A fool proof system of issuing backward class certificates has to be worked out immediately. The eligibility for the reservation benefits by any member of socially and educationally Backward classes should be only on the production of a certificate from the Tahsildar, issued on the basis of the affidavits of the parents and one of the responsible residents of the locality or a recognized community organization

The various State Governments to come down heavily on the person who have abused the reservation process. All those who obtained false certificate and their accomplice including the issuing authorities should be severely punished and steps be taken fore feature of all benefits secured through such illigal certificate. All India Munnuru Kapus is distressed to note the lavish and ugly display of pomp and show at the various family functions and ceremonies like Marriages, Birthdays etc. The study focuses M.K. Community leaders socio – economic profile in order to indicate whether democratic politics as opened up to the hitherto exploited and oppressed groups in the society to obtain a position of economic social and political influence in society. The study shows backward classes leadership is male dominated and the composition of leadership is in favour of older age groups.

The study empirically captures backward classes leaders persecutions on important social and political issues. Interesting and significant data are generated and it throws light on the political culture of backward classes. A majority of the backward classes’ leaders feels that there is a definite need for modification in backward classes groups. A majority did not favor the inclusion of Andhra Kapus in the backward classes list, for them Andhra Kapus are economically sound and their demands are politically motivated. Significantly, legislators were vocal in opposition to Kapus inclusion in backward classes list

 False Certificate 
According to the declared policy of the government all eligible student belonging to the listed backward students whose parents annual income is less than one lakh are to be considered for the award of the scholarships the study reveals that sofar that the department has not been able to cover all eligible students during 2001–2010. The study reveals that there are some cases of students receiving assistance on the production of false caste certificates. Thus depriving the eligible students.Although the government has issued strict orders that any student producing false certificate and any person issuing the false caste certificate will be liable for punishment. No deterrent action has been taken to prevent students from resorting to such mal practices. Some of the backward class communities which have adopted sanscritised names like. Telaga,Ellapula, Mudharaj, Peraka exploited  the Munnurukapu community claiming affinity with them similarly the community of Munnurukapu, Balija and Telaga are exploited.

It is a matter for consideration whether the sanscritised names or on the traditional names should be used in order that such exploitation may be checked the community organizations may also be consulted and involved wherever the false certificates are noticed and deterrent action taken against the guilty. It is suggested to enact some legislation to deal with production of false community certificate and income certificates the Mandal commission has recommended that criminal action it is be taken against the producing and issuing false certificates.

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