Sunday, May 10, 2015

Social Status of Women

Social Status

Social status of women in Munnuru kapu community is encouraging. Most of them are getting educated and settling in jobs. However, a majority of the women are illiterate and engaged in household and agricultural work.  Participation of women in social, cultural and political fields is very little or negligible. The women were in the age group of 30-60 years. Almost all were illiterates. Even those who were younger, they claimed to have gone to school for a couple of years they had not heard of classes for adults nor will they be able to attend even if they were held as they were busy with household work and making or roll beedies which left them with no time for any other activity munnurukapu community women’s economically poor. Especially have mood to roll beedies in Nizambad,Medak, Karimnager districts the past too generations women of this community has enmasse moved to beedi making. Most women said they were keen to get their children educated as they believe their plight is because they have no education. Also understood the importence of private   English medium schools  

The women take up economic activities earn from agriculture and allied activities, earn and lease for growing agricultural crop is a common practice in the ten districts of Telangana region. Vegetable and flower cultivation, food crops and pulses oil seeds cultivation are taken up on leased lands. Similarly rearing of calves, ram lamb, chicks, piggery and duckers, dairy value addition to milk and milk products are preferred by women agriculture labourers, illiterate and unskilled women engage in small business activities. 

The most important thing of Munnurukapus is cross cousin marriage, which never had the sanction of the law makers. This is purely a Dravidian and local custom which had to be accepted or tolerated. There was a custom of singing auspicious songs during the time of marriages from the period of the Satavahans married women in this region were rights on their second toe. They used to apply turmeric to the body and to the face before taking both. They used to wear saris – men used to wear dhotis. Both men and women adorned themselves with ornaments. Their houses were decorated. There were drawings on the wall of their bedrooms. Women use to wear bangles

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